Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Love Shaaack, That's Where It's Attttttt

Sorry I am such a slacker. I haven't been busy so I really have no excuse besides being lazy. Here are some pictures from Clark's Birthday Dinner last weekend. We went to Love Shack with some friends to celebrate.


Joseph & Claire The Cake-Go Frogs!! Ed & Haddy Apparently they hand out snuggies...Michele, Lindsay, Ed, Caroline (what?) & Clark
The girlsLindsay, Beth & I

Hope everyone has a great week; more to come soon!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween & TCU Homecoming

Here are some pictures from Halloween. We went over to our friends Kristin and Michele's house to celebrate. Clark and I went as Juno and Bleeker from the movie Juno...It was easy and I threw it together at the last minute. I stuffed my stomach fyi, I didn't grow that much in a week although it feels like that some times.

Kate + 1
Stacy, Lisa, Kristin & I
Best costume of the night. Beer Pong

On Saturday, we went to the TCU football game. I left right as the game was starting because it was way too hot. It was nice to be lazy at home and watch the game on TV. I handed out candy to some trick or treaters and then met up with some friends for dinner. Once I got there though, I realized that they allow smoking inside so I had to leave. Clark stayed out because he had a lot of friends in town that he hasn't seen in a while. I got Chinese take out and spent the evening at home. Here are a couple of pictures from the game.