Sunday, March 28, 2010

Lazy Days

Yesterday, my good friend Wynne came through Fort Worth to take some newborn pictures of Harper and our first professional family picture. We took so many pictures, I can't wait to see them and how they all turned out. Harper was such a good sport! I will post those when I get them. In the meantime, here are just a few that I took the last few days.

Laying with Daddy after work.

Claire came to visit!
First time in her swing.

Big Yawn!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Harper had some visitors this weekend. Alli drove here all the way from Houston, 5 months pregnant, in the snow...It was so great to see her and I was so happy for her to meet Harper! Lindsay came by on Saturday night and brought us dinner and Kristin and Matt brought us dinner last night! We have such great friends.
Lisa and Ryan stopped by Sunday as did Haddy and Ed. Here are some pics!

Laying with Daddy
Meeting Alli
Haddy, Harper and Ed
Alli, Linds, Harper and I

Harper with Linds

Our first few days at home have been good. She sleeps and keeps a pretty consistent schedule during the day but that all goes out the window at night. She just cries and cries and cries. We are trying everything to figure it out but all she seems to want to do is eat. Clearly she takes after me. I can't really blame her, I have been known to scream bloody murder when hungry too. It's ok though, sleep is for parents. Oh wait, we ARE parents. Shoot.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Harper Kyle Rucker

Harper Kyle Rucker was born March 16th, 2010 at 5:39pm. She weighs 7lbs 10oz and is 20.5" long. After the epidural, the delivery was smooth sailing. Seriously, I have been to many a spa but those all pale in comparison to the relaxation I felt with an epidural. Did I mention I got to have not one, but TWO? The first one didn't work but the second one sure did and it was well worth it.
Harper's birth was such an unbelievable moment. I could not and still cannot believe that our family is now complete and that we are parents. It's exciting/overwhelming/scary all wrapped into one but I wouldn't trade it. She is such a perfect little girl.
Clark has been absolutely perfect throughout everything. So attentive to both me and Harper. It has been great to see him take on the role as dad and it has made me realize how lucky I am to be his wife. Here are the pictures below. I have tried to upload some to facebook but they won't let me for some reason. Hopefully there will be more online soon. Meet, Harper!

Right before heading to the hospital! 39 Weeks 6 Days
Contractions started, let the fun begin! Lisa sitting with me.

Harper's first photo! Love at first sight!
Clark is smitten.
Harper with my mom
Harper with her Uncle Dustin
First family photo. Looking a little rough.
Lindsay, Lisa and I
Clark's dad and Harper
Rev. Doctor Tommy Potter provided a blessing.
My AMAZING OB, Dr. Wiley.
Claire, Caroline, Lisa, Harper and I
Big Strettttttttttch!

Do you see all that hair?! It's like a golden brown but it's no wonder I had acid reflux for the first time in my life for the last couple of months. No fun!
Chewing on daddy's shirt

Monday, March 15, 2010

Nursery Pics!!

After what seems like forever, Clark and I finally FINALLY finished the nursery. Just in time considering my due date is 2 days away. Anyway, I am so so happy with the way it turned out and Clark was instrumental in getting everything done. We really worked long and hard to get it together and we can't wait for her to enjoy it. Here are the pics!

View from the door. Closet full of tiny baby clothes!
The curtains (sewn with love by Lindsay) are meant to look like a circus tent to match the toile. My old rocking chair that my mom had refinished and she made the seat cushion. My grandfather made it and the seat is the hardwood from his old house.Clark relaxing in my new rocker (thanks Dean and Karen!) after completing everything! It's very comfortable! Clark trying on the moby wrap and using poor Bailey as a model. She loved it...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Bumpit Up!

This post will be served bumpit, two ways. One, I will post some terribly embarrassing pictures of an 8 1/2 month pregnant person at a Jersey Shore themed house party. Completely inappropriate but hey, whatever passes the time right? Lindsay was nice enough to help "install" the device . The party was hosted by our friends and Clark's co-workers, Preston, Will and Beth. Lawyers sure know how to throw a good theme party.
Two, there is just a plain old bump picture of my very pregnant self from this week. Don't worry, a friend of mine has already pointed out that it looks like a mugshot. Clearly, I am completely over my self image. Enjoy and no judgement please.

Clark is wearing, not one, not two but SEVEN polos. Whitney and Brad won the costume contests and hair gel!
Caroline and Linds with their host, Preston
Fist pump dance moves
Clark, Brad, Lisa and Ryan Lisa and I
38 weeks and counting.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cowtown 10K

Clark ran his first 10K! We got up early on the brisk Saturday morning and headed downtown to get ready. He ended up finishing in 48 minutes and came in 2nd place for the men's "big person" division (big person=men 200+ pounds. Clark weighs all of 203lbs so I think this was a slight advantage). He did point out that there were several kids and women that beat him though. Overall it was a great morning and I managed to get a nap in that afternoon. Here are some pictures:
The starting line
Crossing the finish line
About to throw up