Friday, March 5, 2010

Bumpit Up!

This post will be served bumpit, two ways. One, I will post some terribly embarrassing pictures of an 8 1/2 month pregnant person at a Jersey Shore themed house party. Completely inappropriate but hey, whatever passes the time right? Lindsay was nice enough to help "install" the device . The party was hosted by our friends and Clark's co-workers, Preston, Will and Beth. Lawyers sure know how to throw a good theme party.
Two, there is just a plain old bump picture of my very pregnant self from this week. Don't worry, a friend of mine has already pointed out that it looks like a mugshot. Clearly, I am completely over my self image. Enjoy and no judgement please.

Clark is wearing, not one, not two but SEVEN polos. Whitney and Brad won the costume contests and hair gel!
Caroline and Linds with their host, Preston
Fist pump dance moves
Clark, Brad, Lisa and Ryan Lisa and I
38 weeks and counting.

1 comment:

Wynne Elder said...

becca! you are a STUNNING preggo jersey shore lady. i have never seen that show & I'm beginning to think I should so I know what everyone is talking about all the time. looked like a lot of fun!

you are looking so precious preggo! I wish I could be there to see you - you look GREAT!!!! love you