Friday, July 29, 2011

Bunko Takes a Field Trip!

Tuesday night our bunko group got together for a fun cooking class at Central Market. It was A Taste of the Southwest and everything we made was awesome (just not awesome for you).
We made shrimp tostadas, carnita stuffed sopapillas (savory not sweet), and some cookies. It was a great way to spend the evening with friends. I highly recommend it! Hope you all have a great weekend!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Hook 'em Frogs! Sic 'em Longhorns.

We are a confused household when it comes to cheering for college sports teams. Last night we went to Joe T's for a Meet the Coaches event celebrating UT Football. It. Was. HOT. but we put on a brave face and enjoyed ourselves. We met Major Applewhite and got our picture with him. I can't believe I am saying this. I am looking forward to football season. I know, I don't even know myself right now.

These pics were posted on Facebook but neither of our moms have access to that so here they are again. Hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Loves feeding herself yogurt
Sweet girl before school.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Swim Lessons!

Last Sunday, Harper had her first swim lesson. A friend of ours organized a fun play date, complete with swim instructor, to help us acclimate our babies to the water and get them used to the motions involved with swimming.

They were very simple tips but will surely prove useful in the years to come! Harper loves to be in the water but she wasn't really feeling the drills. She hated being dunked (and I hated dunking her) and she wasn't a fan of being on her back. We are having a follow up lesson next weekend so hopefully she will feel a little more at ease. Here are some pictures from the fun afternoon!

Hey guys!

Sarah Mitchell lounging...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Last weekend, Clark and went away for a fun weekend in Chicago. A while ago, Clark had mentioned that he really wanted to see Dave Matthews Band in concert so I tracked him down in Chicago and we headed that way. While Dave was headlining a 3 day festival, we decided to just go for one day. We saw O.A.R. and Ray LaMontange before the DMB performed. They put on a great show and the people watching was outstanding!

We also did the architectural boat tour (which was fabulous) and ate at Gino's East for some deep dish!

On Saturday, we headed to Frontera Grill for a fabulous brunch! The food was so good and I had the best mojito ever! After that, we walked back towards our hotel and around the area. It was gorgeous all weekend and it was so nice to be away from the 100 degree heat.

Saturday afternoon we went to The Cedar Hotel and had afternoon cocktails and a lite snack. We met my cousins Karee and her husband Loren, along with Aaron. We sat outside for a while before deciding we should make our way to dinner. Finally around 9, we were seated at Rosebud for a late meal. Dinner was amazing. I really can't think of enough adjectives to describe how good my pasta was. Just hit shift F7 for the word AMAZING. Karee also let us in on some exciting news that she is expecting this January! We are so excited for the Jones Family!

Thanks to my wonderful mom for watching our sweet baby for the weekend. She had the best time being spoiled by her Granny!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Signed our name at Ginos.

I also need to thank everyone for the great recommendations while we were there (Lecie, Sarah, Joseph, Hannah and Karee)!