Monday, December 28, 2009

December in Pictures...

Here we go again. Pictures are more fun anyway right?
Recent news:
We had a great Christmas with both of our families. We drove to San Antonio and then to Midland. Lots of driving but it was nice and relaxing. Here are some pics from the last couple of weeks.
Sunset pulling into Midland
Puppies posing on Christmas
Clark with his new golf clubs

Haddy and Ed got engaged on the 18th! We are so excited for them and were so happy to be a part of their special day. Can't wait for the wedding!!
Ed surprised Haddy with all of her friends from all over
at his house to celebrate with her!
Whitney, Molly, Sarah and Michele
The Happy Couple!
Linds and I
Clark and I (mainly Clark) have been working hard to get the nursery together. We (he) painted the room and we (he) put together the crib. I ordered our bedding from Javis Davis and it came out perfect. I don't have pictures of the curtains yet but they look great too! Will post more once everything is all cleaned up.
Changing Table
New paint color and great natural light!
Clark putting together the crib (I actually did help with that!)
Crib all put together!
Bedding close up!
New Years Resolution: Be better at Blogging. Please hold me accountable. Hope everyone has a great week and a very happy and safe new year!

Friday, December 11, 2009

November in Pictures

I have heard that the first step in getting better is admitting that you have an actual problem and I am willing to admit it. I, Rebecca, am a terrible terrible blogger. I'm so sorry for the lack of posts over the last month. I wish I had some grand excuse like I was backpacking in Europe or helping Lindsey Lohan visit children in India this last week, but sadly I have just been insanely lazy.

So rather than try to write a post of all the events that I have missed, I am just posting some pictures to share with you. I promise I will try to do better in the future.

Flowers in the entry room, I thought the way the sun hit them was pretty
Clark and his new miniature longhorn friend at the Goodnight Gala
Kristin, Caroline, Claire and I at the 2nd annual ornament exchange
Cabell, Beth Lindsay and Lisa
Lisa with her ornament from Caroline
Our tree!

Clark transforming the nursery from an abrasive yellow to a soothing sage
Linds and Haddy at the TCU v. New Mexico game

Haddy & Mike striking a pose
Last home game of the year!
Haddy, Whitney, Lindsay and I
Final shot gun of the year.
My first Thanksgiving apple pie
Karen and My Mom prepping
Clark putting the bird in to fry!
My brother Dustin, Vern, Dean and Clark

Clark and I at the TCU v. Utah game
Sarah, Haddy, Lindsay, Clark and I
Packed stadium!!

Robbie making his famous tailgate jambalaya

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Love Shaaack, That's Where It's Attttttt

Sorry I am such a slacker. I haven't been busy so I really have no excuse besides being lazy. Here are some pictures from Clark's Birthday Dinner last weekend. We went to Love Shack with some friends to celebrate.


Joseph & Claire The Cake-Go Frogs!! Ed & Haddy Apparently they hand out snuggies...Michele, Lindsay, Ed, Caroline (what?) & Clark
The girlsLindsay, Beth & I

Hope everyone has a great week; more to come soon!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween & TCU Homecoming

Here are some pictures from Halloween. We went over to our friends Kristin and Michele's house to celebrate. Clark and I went as Juno and Bleeker from the movie Juno...It was easy and I threw it together at the last minute. I stuffed my stomach fyi, I didn't grow that much in a week although it feels like that some times.

Kate + 1
Stacy, Lisa, Kristin & I
Best costume of the night. Beer Pong

On Saturday, we went to the TCU football game. I left right as the game was starting because it was way too hot. It was nice to be lazy at home and watch the game on TV. I handed out candy to some trick or treaters and then met up with some friends for dinner. Once I got there though, I realized that they allow smoking inside so I had to leave. Clark stayed out because he had a lot of friends in town that he hasn't seen in a while. I got Chinese take out and spent the evening at home. Here are a couple of pictures from the game.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

BU Homecoming!

Last weekend, I left Clark and the puppies and traveled south on I-35 to Waco for the 100th Anniversary of Baylor Homecoming (the oldest homecoming in the nation). I met Alli, Wynne and Scarlett there for a great weekend filled with good food and fun times. Friday, Alli and I met around 3 and had a Viteks Gut Pack for lunch. YUM.
Alli with her Gut Pack
After that we shopped around and got manicures while waiting for Wynne to get in town (we were staying with her parents). Once we checked in to Chateau Trippet, we quickly freshened up before heading to Pigskin Review (think a fraternity and sorority themed episode of Glee). The bonfire was next on the list of Trippet Family homecoming traditions. We didn't actually stay for the lighting of said bonfire, but we saw the fireworks and the smoke as we walked back to the car so that counts...

Alli, Wynne & I at the Bonfire
Next stop, Georges. I have blogged about my love for this fried food establishment in the past but this time was a little different as I believe this was a first for me at big "O" Very sad for me but the food more than made up for it. We got home and called it a night as we had to get up early for the BU Homecoming Parade. Now, I was at Baylor as a student for 5 Falls, thus 5 homecomings, and I never made it to the Parade. BUT as an honorary Trippet for the day, that was the first stop on the Saturday agenda. Up next, Pi Phi Breakfast. Nothing really to say about this. I had some fruit and felt insanely old.

Scarlett & I at George's
Alli, Scarlett, Wynne & I at the Parade
At the Pi Phi Breakfast

I then attended my 6th Baylor Football game ever. It was beautiful weather out and it was great walking around especially now that you can tailgate. I know right?! Tailgating at Baylor. Sounds like an oxymoron to me. Baylor sadly lost but we are confident for next season...

Alli, Wynne & I at the football game
Stephen & Wynne (He's so excited the Aggies won)
~Stephen was a great sport all weekend and
took great care of all of us girls!~
All in all, it was a fabulous weekend with great friends. I had so much fun and it was nice to get back early on Sunday to be lazy for the rest of the weekend.