Friday, December 11, 2009

November in Pictures

I have heard that the first step in getting better is admitting that you have an actual problem and I am willing to admit it. I, Rebecca, am a terrible terrible blogger. I'm so sorry for the lack of posts over the last month. I wish I had some grand excuse like I was backpacking in Europe or helping Lindsey Lohan visit children in India this last week, but sadly I have just been insanely lazy.

So rather than try to write a post of all the events that I have missed, I am just posting some pictures to share with you. I promise I will try to do better in the future.

Flowers in the entry room, I thought the way the sun hit them was pretty
Clark and his new miniature longhorn friend at the Goodnight Gala
Kristin, Caroline, Claire and I at the 2nd annual ornament exchange
Cabell, Beth Lindsay and Lisa
Lisa with her ornament from Caroline
Our tree!

Clark transforming the nursery from an abrasive yellow to a soothing sage
Linds and Haddy at the TCU v. New Mexico game

Haddy & Mike striking a pose
Last home game of the year!
Haddy, Whitney, Lindsay and I
Final shot gun of the year.
My first Thanksgiving apple pie
Karen and My Mom prepping
Clark putting the bird in to fry!
My brother Dustin, Vern, Dean and Clark

Clark and I at the TCU v. Utah game
Sarah, Haddy, Lindsay, Clark and I
Packed stadium!!

Robbie making his famous tailgate jambalaya


Wynne Elder said...

Oh I love it! I love your life in pictures! your house looks amazing with your tree and all your decor, you are an amazing cook and I can't believe you did all of thanksgiving at your casa (major props!), the tcu games look fun and I need to hear more about this ornament exchange - sounds like a great idea! love and MISS YOU!

alli.parker said...

Loved seeing your month in much fun!! And I am so proud of that apple pie :)