Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Here we go again!

So much to discuss! Harper is growing like a weed. She is now 4 1/2 months old! We went to the pediatrician on the 16th for her 4 month shots and check up. Harper is rolling both ways, "talking" up a storm and is eating cereal and bananas. I have video of her eating but for some reason, it won't let me upload. I will try again later. She is doing so well and I'm amazed at the new things that every day brings. Here are her stats:

  • Weight: 12 pounds 13 ounces 40%
  • Height: 24 1/2 inches 60%

Not quite sure...


Last weekend, Clark was in Port Aransas for Ed's Bachelor party so my mom came up to spend the weekend with us. We had a great time and met my cousins for dinner at Lambert's on Saturday night. It was so good to catch up with family and it was a relaxing weekend. Harper is on such a great schedule now that it wasn't at all a problem that Clark was gone for 4 days. It's nice to know that I can handle it now and I know how to take care of her.

She no longer needs to be rocked to sleep (which makes me kind of sad). I can typically just lay her in the crib, give her 2 minutes to fuss, replace her paci, and she is out for two hours, usually, on the dot. The last few nights, she has slept for 9 hours!!!!!! We may have to replace the paci once or twice but she never really wakes up and will go right back to sleep. She is still on Similac Alimentum (the expensive purple can that smells like cat food) and prevacid for her reflux, but even that is getting better.

2 weeks ago, our good friends Scott and Sarah came to visit! They are both medical residents so it's hard to coordinate schedules to get together. It was a great weekend complete with good food and conversation!

Once I charge my camera battery I will have more pictures and once I figure out how to upload videos from my video camera, I will add those as well. Hope everyone has a great week! Good luck to everyone taking the Bar!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

16 Week Photo Shoot!

Time is a flyin'! Yesterday we had our 16 week photo shoot for Miss Harper. She loves the camera and the camera loves her. Clark and I continue to be perplexed by her hair color. It definitely looks reddish in these pics but it appears to be coming in blonde now at the roots. Who knows...

Friday, July 2, 2010

This is how we roll...

TWO posts in ONE day! I'm officially an over-achiever.
Here is the video that I promised of Harper rolling. This is one that I just took on my iPhone so it's not as good of quality as our video camera, but the battery is charging; etc...
Seriously, please mute and disregard my mommy commentary.

Hope everyone has a fantastic July 4th! Just in case you are looking for another wonderful reason to celebrate this weekend, keep in mind that the 4th is also my half birthday! Cheers!


Sorry about my absence. I have not found much to write about lately. That, and I have been way too lazy to upload pictures. Here is what's going on in the life of Harper:
  • On Monday night, she rolled over! She was on her tummy and she pushed up and flopped onto her back! Very exciting. Video to come.
  • She has found her voice! She squeals and "talks" to me constantly. It's hilarious.
  • She sleeps from about 10:30pm-5:45am, eats, then goes back to bed for another couple of hours.
  • She takes a 2 hour morning nap and a 2 hour afternoon nap.
  • She loves to play with her feet. She found those last week and hasn't let go of them since.
  • She smiles at everyone and everything. She's quite the flirt.

Here are some recent pics!

Still loving her Bumbo
At lunch yesterday with her BF Nash
Out and About!
Nap Time with Daddy!
Tummy Time!
Father's Day brunch at Lamberts!