Monday, March 22, 2010


Harper had some visitors this weekend. Alli drove here all the way from Houston, 5 months pregnant, in the snow...It was so great to see her and I was so happy for her to meet Harper! Lindsay came by on Saturday night and brought us dinner and Kristin and Matt brought us dinner last night! We have such great friends.
Lisa and Ryan stopped by Sunday as did Haddy and Ed. Here are some pics!

Laying with Daddy
Meeting Alli
Haddy, Harper and Ed
Alli, Linds, Harper and I

Harper with Linds

Our first few days at home have been good. She sleeps and keeps a pretty consistent schedule during the day but that all goes out the window at night. She just cries and cries and cries. We are trying everything to figure it out but all she seems to want to do is eat. Clearly she takes after me. I can't really blame her, I have been known to scream bloody murder when hungry too. It's ok though, sleep is for parents. Oh wait, we ARE parents. Shoot.


MLEastland said...

SO much hair! i love it. you look great.

The Brooks Family said...

Congrats! She is beautiful. You will have so much fun with a little girl.

Ali Nixon said...

A) Alli is pregnant!? B) You look GREAT after having a baby, oh, you know, not even a week ago!??

Wynne Elder said...

so jealous! can't wait to meet harper this weekend :) you look AMAZING?! who are you????