Friday, August 6, 2010

20 Week Photo Shoot!

Harper turned 20 weeks on Tuesday. Here are pictures from our little photo session. She didn't want to cooperate for the camera quite like she has in the past, but I managed to get a couple that turned out. Enjoy!

On Tuesday, Clark and I took food to our friends Shea and Kyle who just had a sweet baby boy named Holt. He is adorable and they are so well adjusted! Their house was definitely cleaner than mine. Maybe just a tinge of jealousy there.


Courtney Robertson said...

So so cute!! Harper is just precious!! I love that you guys know Shea - she went to the same high school as Justin and I (she was in Justin's brother's grade). But I guess that would make sense considering the whole TCU/ Lambda Chi thing. So fun!

Lindsey said...

love that outfit!!! cute pics! the one with her mouth open makes me laugh because it reminds me of "coffee talk" on SNL. she can be the next host on the view!!! :)

alli.parker said...

love these pics bec - she is darling!!! and that smocked dress is precious!