Friday, January 22, 2010

32 Weeks!!!

Time flies. Baby Rucker is now 32 weeks gestation and growing every minute. I love the updates I get letting me know how big she is and how much she has grown each week. This week, she is the size of a honeydew, weighs roughly 4.5lbs and is about 19 inches long. That is looking more and more like a baby to me, and feeling like it too. She is moving constantly and its hard to focus when she is throwing elbows or jumping on my bladder. Overall though, I am really feeling great. I had a nasty cold last week but now that that has subsided, things are looking up. I go back to the doctor next week and then at 35 weeks. Then I start going weekly. Fun times. I have never looked forward to going to the doctor until I was pregnant. Now I love it!

I can't believe it. According to my due date, I have 7 weeks 5 days to go which is pretty much insane and I am in full fledged baby nesting mode. I have been going through closets and trying to get rid of "stuff" that we have accumulated over the years. I have always had a sentimental attachment to inanimate objects and now its time to just get rid of everything, well not everything but definitely things that we don't need or use. This weekend I am going to clean out our office and organize our files and such. I am also heading to the container store to hopefully find some shelving and storage options for the closet in our dining room. Here are some pictures of the bump.

Last weekend we went to Austin breifly for a wedding on Saturday night. We stayed with our good friends, and newlyweds, the Papermasters and had a great time. Here are a couple of pictures from the wedding. It was at the Driskill and they had the most beautiful sushi bar. Too bad I couldn't eat any of it :(

Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe weekend!


Wynne Elder said...

becca you are such a BEAUTIFUL pregnant woman! wow - you just look great & i'm glad you are feeling great too. I can't wait to meet your sweet girl :) love you!!

Shelly said...

you're such a cute preggo!! Not much longer and she will be here! So exciting!