Sunday, March 13, 2011

11 Months and 2 Days...

Here we go, the countdown to one year begins. I refuse to believe that Harper will be one year old. Maybe I will just treat it like people do when they turn 30 and just say she is 11 months and 7 days...8 days...9 days and so on. I can't believe it.

Her first word was ball, she said that on 2/24. There was a basketball outside and she walked over to it, picked it up and proclaimed "ball, ball." So there it is. She mimics everything these days. Her teacher told me last week and she fully expects to see Harper accepting some sort of acting award some day down the road. In class, apparently she mocks some of the other babies when they cry or make any other noise. She says uh oh, bye bye, dadda, momma etc. She loves blowing kisses. That was a trick we picked up at 2am in the ER a few weeks ago (she hit her head and was vomiting. One CT and an insurance deductible later, we have a clean bill of health).

Times are moving so quickly. There are many exciting things in our life and Clark and I have never worked harder as a team, coordinating our daily lives and schedules. We are far from perfect. Our house is consistently a series of piles. Piles of laundry, piles of mail, piles of whatever else you can think of. It's chaos but finally, a year later, we are getting the hang of it.

Yesterday, Harper and I met Larkin and Sarah Mitchell at the park for some girl talk. Enjoy the pictures below.


CaseyWiegand said...

okay she is just the sweetest, cutest!

lindseyb said...

i am happy to be in denial right along with you about her turning one.

she is so gorgeous and i can't wait to see her soon to see all of her newest tricks!!!

Wynne Elder said...

amazing! i can't believe she is ONE! where the heck did the time go. the elders need to make a trip to FW to hang out with the Rucker clan, we miss yalL!!!!