Wednesday, April 7, 2010

3 Weeks!

Yesterday, Harper turned 3 weeks old! I can't believe how fast the last few weeks have gone, I only envision the next few years to fly by just as fast. Harper is doing great. She is growing and gaining the weight she needs to. However, our sweet little girl is having quite the battle with reflux. She is spitting up a lot after feedings and her pediatrician requested a sonogram for her. The radiologist found that she did indeed have severe reflux and we are now waiting for her appointment with a Gastroenterologist on April 20th (the soonest the could see her)...
Anyway, in the mean time, we have started using a pacifier, something that I wanted to avoid as long as possible. The doctors have recommended the use of it though to help soothe her after feedings. With reflux, if she continues to eat, it eases the burning so she has been overeating the last couple of weeks because she has the urge to suck. The pacifier has really helped significantly with her keeping some food down. Please pray for her and that her reflux eases.
Anyway, here are some pics from the last week. Enjoy!!!

Happy Easter!

Little Feet! Busting out of her swaddle...
Passed out after eating. So sweet!
Hanging out with Daddy!

Starting to like the swing.


Courtney Robertson said...

Precious!! Harper is just adorable - I love the pic of her passed out from being "milk drunk"!!

Becca said...

Ha, we call it "Milk Drunk" too!

MLEastland said...

Edward had/has so much reflux so i know what you are going through. my doctor always said "it's really a laundry problem" and wouldnt do anything for it until he was five months old... finally put him on nexium - he still spits up, but seems happier... He also hated being laid on his back because of it, hence the tummy sleeping. good luck!

Wynne Elder said...

so sweet! praying for harper's reflux. love the pics

alli.parker said...

precious precious girl!