Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again...

After a long break from blogging, I am pleased to come back and provide you with some tidbits of Rucker Life! I told Clark back in October that I was pretty much done with blogging until we got a new computer. It would take nearly an hour to post and upload pictures because our computer was so slow. SO, this past Thanksgiving weekend, we headed to the apple store and finally got a new one! Merry Christmas to us!!

It's been a little bit overwhelming to figure out where to start and how to pick up writing again. There have been so many fun and exciting (I think) events in our lives and I'm sad that we don't have all of them documented here. Let me attempt to recap the last few months for you! Hope you like pictures :)

We are going to work our way backwards (because it's easier) starting with Thanksgiving!

Harper eating her Thanksgiving Dinner
Raise the Roof!
Clark and Dean
Fried Turkey Goodness.

Next Up, Baby McMillan's Shower! Friday, November 19th, we hosted a baby "party" for Larkin and Richard. This is the first baby shower that I have been to complete with a DJ. It was so much fun and it's a good thing we planned it when we did considering Larkin had sweet baby Sarah Mitchell one week later, a few weeks early!! Congratulations to the beautiful new family!!

The parents to be reenacting a classic. Haha
Laura, Sarah, Haddy & Courtney
Beth, Lisa and Lindsay

A couple weeks before then, this is what I walked into when I went to get Harper for her first bottle of the day! Her first time standing up all by herself! Very exciting and you could tell that she was so proud of herself!

On the weekend of Clark's birthday, I surprised him with a weekend trip to NYC! Our good friends Ryan & Lisa and Austin & Stacey were there too and we had so much fun celebrating all weekend long! Coincidentally, my group of friends from the school I went to in Switzerland one summer, Leysin American School, were gathering for a 12 year reunion. It was so great to see some of my friends, many of whom, I still keep in touch with. We had a great time going out!

Clark's parents were kind enough to come in and watch Harper and Richard helped me figure out a way to clear Clark's schedule for the afternoon at work. When Clark got home around noon (Richard was to pick him up to go to a meeting off site) I had Frank Sinatra "New York, New York" blaring and his bags were packed and ready. It was so much fun to plan and I am so proud of myself for keeping a secret from him for so long.

His surprised face!
Lisa, Caroline (visiting John in NJ), Stacey & I
Lisa, Stacey and I
Amazing brunch at Bar Americain
This beer didn't stand a chance from our group.
Austin, Clark and Ryan
Times Square!

The pictures below are from Harper's Dedication at Church in October. After the service, we had people over for a reception outside! It was a wonderful day!

1 comment:

SheaKummer said...

Glad you are back! Hope to see you guys soon. Harper has changed so much since we saw her last. What a cutie!