Saturday, December 18, 2010

Santa Baby!

Well, we finally did it! I couldn't bear to take Harper to the mall to meet Santa. Something about waiting in line with a bunch of germy kids really freaked me out and I wasn't about to spend my Saturday attempting it. Not that there is ANYTHING wrong with it, but that would just stress me out. So, low and behold, last week while making my weekly Central Market run, I saw a sign at the check-out saying that Santa would be there this Saturday from 8:30-10.
So, Clark and I woke up this morning and headed that way. There was no line and you could use your own camera! It was perfect. Here are the pictures, enjoy!



Marci said...

I love her pics with Santa! Hope she enjoys her first Christmas!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! She is a grown up! How has she gotten so much bigger in the last month!?
She looks super cute with Santa!

CaseyWiegand said...

okay she is the CUTEST