Monday, December 13, 2010

Slight Oversight...

So my good friend Cassie, from Virginia, used to always ask me when she could be featured on my blog. I would always reply to her with, "when you come to Texas and visit me." Finally, after about a year and a half, the Yankee finally made her way to the "Great State of Texas" for her official tour. We really only had a couple of things on the agenda. Dinner at Lonesome Dove and Lunch at Love Shack. What do these two restaurants have in common you ask? Chef Tim Love (CTL) of course!
Cassie has an obsession, no, an infatuation rather, with CTL and I really think her visit was just a last ditch effort for him to meet her and fall madly in love...or something along those lines. So, Friday night, we fulfilled her wishes, and our reservation and headed to Lonesome Dove for dinner. Of course, because I am VIP and this is how we roll :) CTL was there smiling to greet us as we entered the restaurant. At this point, I had to remind her of her name and also to quit shaking the hand of CTL so enthusiastically.
The rest of the weekend was so much fun, I took Cassie to her first college tailgate at the TCU game versus Air Force, and we had a wonderful time catching up and hanging out with Harper. I am so thankful for our friendship and so glad that she was able to leave her own family to come and play for the weekend.
Long story short, I forgot to keep my end of the deal and post about her trip. Considering we didn't take any pictures, she will have to come back down here for another shot soon!

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