Tuesday, May 25, 2010

10 Weeks!

Harper is 10 weeks old today! Everything has been going so well. She is sleeping well and there are rarely times that she gets fussy where I don't know what to do to calm her down. We still have a daily battle with her reflux but the previcid has significantly helped with the pain and the fussy eating. She is getting stronger by the day. She holds her head up and can "stand" on her legs, pushing away. She follows us around the room with her eyes and is always full of smiles. She LOVES the ceiling fan. When you turn it on, she giggles so much. I love that her little personality is starting to shine.
Last week, my mom came up for a couple of days to help me out and spend time with us. She also watched Harper for us when we went to Joe T's for a work thing for Clark. It was really nice to get a night out, even if it was work related. Clark's parents are in town this week because his dad has a conference at TCU. Clark's mom has been so nice to come over and watch Harper while I run some errands. Last night, the 4 1/2 of us tried a new restaurant called Cat City Grill. It was fabulous. Tonight, we are going to Michael's to celebrate Beth's birthday while Clark's parents watch Harper.
Here are some pics of the last week. Happy Tuesday!
For some reason, this picture keeps rotating. It's not like this when I selected.
I love the ceiling fan! It is so funny!
One of the few pics we have together.She has really started to like her swing!
Getting close to rolling over!
Look at my hair! Have you ever seen anything like it??

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