Monday, March 16, 2009

Here we go...

After much consideration and much to Clark's dismay, I have started the Official Rucker Family blog. I feel tremendous pressure in kicking this thing off. First of all, I feel like I need to be incredibly witty and charming in my writing. Contrary to what my mother believes, writing has never really been my strong suit. Clark calls me out frequently for my grammar and for my use of "made up" words. I think at one time, all words were made up. Why can't we continue to increase our vocabulary with additional gems? Second, aside from our parents, I'm not sure if there are people out there that would care enough to read a blog about us. I used to think they were pretty cheesy until I found myself reading through them throughout the day in order to put off working. In that respect, I am really just trying to provide another outlet for people to slack off. You're welcome...

So here we go...All about the Ruckers'.
After a lot of hard work and three years of marriage, Clark and I bought our first home in August and have slowly been putting the pieces together. It is beautiful and everything we ever wanted in a home. We reside with our two puppies, Piper, 5 & right, and Bailey, 11mos & left. We love Fort Worth more than I could have even imagined. We are blessed to have a wonderful group of friends and a fun city to play in as well as jobs we both love. Our family is very important to us and we don't get to see them enough. It is always wonderful when we can be around them in some capacity.

Q: So what does life as a Rucker entail?
A: Weekdays include cooking dinner together in the evenings and a lot of Reality TV. Our favs include Amazing Race (I am dying to be on the show), Biggest Loser, Top Chef, Hell's Kitchen, The Real World (yes, we still watch it), The Bachelor (Clark doesn't have a choice, it's very sad), Idol and DWTS. As you can see we are very busy people. In addition to those, we watch Friday Night Lights, Desperate Housewives and Greys. I cry in every single episode of Grey's Anatomy. Clark makes fun of me and I get mad. Cooking dinner together is something that we both really enjoy as well. We try hard not to eat out during the week.

Weekends are usually spent going out with friends or relaxing around the house with the dogs. We enjoy a good dive bar and Mexican food. I'm occupied with getting the house together on the weekends and have been aggressively getting it together the last couple of weeks which is great. I am not a decorator and thankfully, neither is Clark, so it took us a while to find a vision for what we wanted to do. I really think it is coming along now. Weddings are also fun weekend excursions. Clark should be a professional wedding guest. He is usually the first one on the dance floor, he always eats his moneys worth in food, he is a self proclaimed connoisseur of the wedding cake and he utilizes any props the band may provide him with (see image).

In a nutshell, this is what we are about. I will try to post as often as possible/necessary. Really, I want to use this as a tool to keep people updated on the happenings of our wonderful life. Enjoy!


Haddy said...

YEA!! Great first post. Love it already...
Now Clark and Ed can make fun of BOTH of us for having a blog and I won't be all alone :)

Unknown said...

My scarf is famous now! This is fun! Especially because we don't have nearly enough communication during the I can know what you are up to during the few hours a day that we aren't emailing :)

Marci Gilbert said...

that picture of clark looks familiar i think!